Tuesday 22 January 2013

Yoni and the Lingam – symbol of nonduality (अद्वैतता)

Yoni and the Lingam – symbol of nonduality (अद्वैतता)

The ancient Vedas and books on religion have conclusively placed it on record the conjugation of the lingam and the yoni is final in the process of procreation. The lingam Yoni combine represents phallus and creative energy.
Phallus represents Shiv while yoni represents creative energy related to Goddess Parvati. Linga – yoni combination represents the nonduality(अद्वैतता) of divine presence and transcendental(दैविक) power. According to ancient scriptures in the universe there are near to 84 lakh yonis in all. These represent all kinds of animals, insects, birds and human-like forms etc. Depending upon the karma individuals are born from yonis(योनी) of various species. 
Evil is said to be born in rakshasa(राक्षस)  yoni.  It is believed that the cycle of births and rebirths is carried out in different human yonis.
The one who attains moksha is merged into the Being of Brahma (ब्रह्म)!

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