Tuesday 24 July 2012

Spatik Sriyantra - The Instrument For Wealth

Sriyantra is one of the powerful, important and auspicious yantras that not only gives greater benefit; but also, it has proved to be beneficial for almost everybody. It is the source of achieving all worldly desires and pleasing all wishes by mental strength and inner cosmic power. 

Sriyantra – Sri means wealth, and Yantra means instrument – The instrument for wealth. Sriyantra is about bringing spiritual and material wealth. Sriyantra carries indefinable power to make our wishes come true and change our life for betterment. Sriyantra is surely the answer for all the negativity and problems in our life. 

Any individual utilizing Sriyantra accomplishes greater affluence, harmony and peace. Sriyantra supports in breaking all the problems in our life. It supports us to grow beyond the limits – both materialistically and spiritually. There are bad energies, which have surrounded us in smaller or greater magnitude. These bad energies stand in our way of accomplishing great success, peace, harmony and affluence. 

Therefore, even though we put lot of efforts, intelligence and good intentions still we don't get the success. In Spatik Sriyantra, Spatik attracts the light and imitates amazing rainbows. It is a sign of radiant, white light energy. Spatik Sriyantra harmonises and balances the aura around us, in addition it eliminates the bad energy, so when we place Spatik Sriyantra in our office or home, the place gets cleansed by the power of spatik and mystical geometry of Sriyantra sanctify the native with wealth and success. 

It is proved and evident that those who place Spatik Sriyantra in their office or home replace all bad energies by unlimited abundance and good power.

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